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We listened — digital is a lot. Now the key to selling it, creating it, and executing it available to you. No excuses!

Why Smart 1 Labs?

Smart 1 Labs provides prebuilt AI prompts designed to make digital marketing easier and more effective. With the expertise of 22 years in the business and proprietary data collected over this period, we understand the challenges of navigating the digital landscape, and our tools are here to streamline the process for you.




As sales professionals, the demand for effective tools that can enhance your selling capabilities is more critical than ever. In today's fast-paced market, salespeople require resources that not only streamline their processes but also empower them to close deals more efficiently. As a Sales Manager, you are undoubtedly aware of the myriad challenges that come with training your team—there simply aren't enough hours in the day to provide each team member with the comprehensive training they need to excel in their roles. Recognizing this significant gap, we dedicated an entire year to developing a solution that caters to the diverse needs of your salesforce, ensuring that it is both user-friendly and robust enough to drive results. Our tool is designed to be intuitive, allowing salespeople to quickly adapt and integrate it into their daily routines. Moreover, we understand that every sales team is unique, and customization is essential for maximizing effectiveness. Therefore, if you wish to tailor our solution to better fit the specific dynamics and goals of your salesforce, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are committed to collaborating with you to create a customized experience that empowers your team to reach new heights in their sales endeavors.

I need to know how to get this for my agency or staff.

Prebuilt AI Prompts

Smart 1 Labs offers a diverse range of prebuilt AI prompts tailored for various marketing needs. Whether you’re creating social media posts, drafting email campaigns, or developing content for your website, our AI prompts are designed to meet your specific requirements and help you achieve your marketing goals

Proven Expertise

With 22 years of industry knowledge and data, Smart 1 Marketing brings a wealth of experience to Smart 1 Labs. Our proprietary data and deep understanding of market trends ensure that our AI prompts are not only accurate but also highly effective in engaging your audience and driving results.

Ease of Use

Our intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to adopt and use Smart 1 Labs. You don’t need to be a tech expert to leverage the power of AI in your marketing. Simply select a prompt, customize it to fit your brand voice, and deploy it across your digital platforms with ease.

Versatile Applications

Smart 1 Labs is versatile and adaptable, making it suitable for a wide range of marketing applications. Use our AI prompts for social media, email campaigns, blog posts, digital campaigns, and more. No matter your marketing channel, Smart 1 Labs has you covered.


AI Marketing Prompts Available

Just some of the prompts available to you.   More added weekly!

Client Interaction

  • Product Suggestions
  • New Site for Client
  • Smart 1 Suite Sales
  • Create A Proposal
  • Website Proposal
  • RFP Assist

Social Media

  • TikTok Ideas
  • Snapchat Ideas
  • LinkedIn Post
  • Social Media Post Suggestions
  • Social Media Headers
  • Social Media Content

Website Essentials

  • Terms of Service for a Website
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • SEO Analysis
  • Web Page Ideas
  • Web Coding


  • SEO Suggest
  • Keyword Ideas
  • Smart 1 PPC
  • Competitor Analysis
  • SEO Bot

Audience Targeting

  • Audience Finder
  • Spend and Demo
  • Zip Code Radius Search
  • Zip Code Search and Info


  • Create a Sample Ad
  • OTT Campaign
  • TV Scripts
  • Radio Scripts
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