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General Suggestions

Be Specific:

Always prefer detailed responses over general ones. This helps in generating more accurate results.

Clarify Preferences:

If there are secondary preferences (like a backup region if the primary one isn’t feasible), mention them.

Avoid Generalization:

General answers like “any” or “all” could lead to broad, less useful results. Narrowing down choices helps improve accuracy.

Use Clear Language:

Ensure that the language used in each field is straightforward and free of jargon unless it's industry-specific and necessary.

Provide Exact Locations:

Instead of broad regions, specify cities or metropolitan areas, like "Los Angeles County," to narrow down the search.

State Your End Goal Clearly:

Articulate the outcome, like "drive a 10% increase in website traffic over the next quarter," to guide the AI in finding the most suitable stations.

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