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Standard Video Creative

Supported File Type MP4
Aspect Ratio 16:9 4:3
Maximum File Size 25MB
Video Length :15 :30 :60
Bit Rate 1200-1500 <400 for Mobile

** VAST 2.0 / 3.0 Compliant

* 3rd Party VAST must contain MP4 and FLV format videos

Visual Guides

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YouTube Video Creative

File Format Video Asset must be loaded to YouTube as a Public Video
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Maximum File Size 10MB
Video Length :12 Minimum 3:00 Maximum
File Format Video Asset must be loaded to YouTube as a Public Video
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Maximum File Size 10MB
Video Length :06 Maximum

Visual Guides

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Connected TV Video Creative

Supported File Types MP4
File Quality 1080p (1920x1080)
Maximum File Size 50MB
Video Length :15 Minimum :30 Maximum
Bit Rate 1.6-3.2 mbps Minimum 1200-1500 kbps
Frame Rate 23.98 FPS 29.97 FPS
Audio Sample Rate 48kHz

* VAST 2.0 / 3.0 Compliant

* Connected TV Devices are not clickable by nature

Native Video Creative

Supported File Types MP4
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Maximum File Size 150MB
Video Length :05 Minimum 5:00 Maximum

* VAST 2.0 / 3.0 Compliant

Visual Guides

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