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Facebook Image Ads

Supported File Types JPG / PNG
Image Ratio 1.91 : 1 1:1
Max File Size 1GB
Recommended Resolution 1080x1080 Minimum
Image Text Overlay Less than 20%
Headline 25 Characters
Description 30 Characters

Visual Guides

(Click to expand)

Instagram Image Ads

Supported File Types JPG / PNG
Aspect Ratio 400x500 Minimum 191x100 Maximum
Max File Size 1GB
Recommended Resolution 1080x1080 Minimum
Image Text Overlay Less than 20%
2 Rows of Text 90 Characters

Visual Guides

(Click to expand)

Facebook Video Ads

Supported File Types MP4 / MOV
Video Ratio 9:16 to 16:9
Video Length :01 Minimum 10:00 Maximum
File Size 1MB Minimum 26GB Maximum
Headline 25 Characters
Description 30 Characters

Visual Guides

(Click to expand)

Facebook Carousel Ads

Supported Image File Types JPG / PNG
Max Image File Size 1GB
Supported Video File Types MP4 / MOV
Max Video File Size 10GB
Recommended Resolution 1080x1080
Carousel Cards 2 Minimum 10 Maximum
Primary Text 125 Characters
Headline 25 Characters
Description 20 Characters
Landing Page 1 per card

Showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad

Visual Guides

(Click to expand)

Facebook / Instagram Stories Image

Supported Image File Types JPG / PNG
Image Resolution 1920x1080 pixels
Minimum Image Width 500 pixels
Maximum Aspect Ratio 90x160
Image Ratio 9:16 & 16:9

* Leave 14% of the top and bottom free to avoid covering key elements

Visual Guides

(Click to expand)

Facebook / Instagram Stories Video

Supported Image File Types MP4 / MOV
Video Ratio 9:16
Maximum File Size 4 GB
Maximum Video Duration 2 Minutes
Minimum Width 500 pixels
Aspect Ratio 90x160 Minimum 191x100 Maximum

* Leave 14% of the top and bottom free to avoid covering key elements

* 1080x1080 pixel image ad can run in essentially any ad format

Visual Guides

(Click to expand)

Standard Creative

  • Illegal Products or Services
  • Discriminatory Practices
  • Tobacco and Related Products
  • Drugs and Drug-Related Products
  • Unsafe Supplements
  • Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives
  • Adult Products or Services
  • Adult Content
  • Third-Party Infringement
  • Sensational Content
  • Personal Attributes
  • Misinformation
  • Controversial Content
  • Non-Functional Landing Page
  • Cheating or Deceitful Practices
  • Grammar and Profanity
  • Nonexistent Functionality
  • Personal Health
  • Payday Loans, Paycheck Advances, Bail Bonds
  • Multilevel Marketing
  • Penny Auctions
  • Misleading Claims
  • Low Quality or Disruptive Content
  • Spyware or Malware
  • Automatic Animation
  • Unacceptable Business Practices
  • Sale of Body Parts

Location Services

  • Alcohol
  • Dating
  • Real Money Gambling
  • State Lotteries
  • Online Pharmacies
  • Promotion of Over-the-Counter Drugs
  • Subscription Services
  • Financial and Insurance Products or Services
  • Branded Content
  • Ads about Social Issues, Elections or Politics
  • Disclaimers for Ads about Social Issues, Elections or Politics
  • Cryptocurrency Products or Services
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
  • Cosmetic Procedures and Weight Loss
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